Do you have a color printer, but find yourself only needing to print in black and white? If you have an inkjet printer be careful because this has the potential to dry out the print heads for your color cartridges if they aren’t used for more than a week or two (this is why your printer may do automatic print head cleanings). A dried up print head could render your printer useless if the heads are in your printer and not your cartridge. This is why (by default) the color cartridges will mix to make black, keeping all of your print heads nice and moist.
If you use a laserjet printer you’re in luck! Not only do you get better quality with a lower overall cost per page, but it’s faster and doesn’t have the print heads that could dry up (ink is liquid, toner is powder). If you don’t want your printer to use the color cartridges (that can get expensive!) you can set it to grayscale so only the black cartridge is used when you print.
- Click the Windows Start button in the lower left corner of your screen
- Select Devices & Printers
- Right click the printer and select Printing Preferences
- Click the Color tab and select Print in Grayscale (I also recommend choosing High Quality at this time)
- Press Apply and OK
- Print away!
To revert back to color printing, simply select Print in Color where you originally found the Grayscale option (Start>Devices and Printers>Printing Preferences>Color>Print in color>Apply>OK)

Don’t touch the drum cylinder or expose it to sunlight. The drum is very sensitive to light & touch, and is very easy to damage. The Brother printer counts drum rotations and shuts the drum unit down when it reaches it’s page yield at 5% coverage. If […]
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Most printers that are being built these days have the print heads built into the printer instead of the cartridge. This means your printer is running regular ink cleanings, which prevents your print heads from drying up. If that happened before you could simply replace the cartridge. […]
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Most counties give you the option to sign up for electronic recycling. After processing, you can take your items to a facility during certain hours on a designated day. Many people don’t go through the hassle and will illegally dump their electronics in a dumpster. Ink and […]
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Let me start off by saying Costco doesn’t refill all cartridges. The easy ones, with built-in print-heads that don’t require chips to be reset are the main ones they refill. You bring your own cartridge in to be refilled. They do this quickly because they do not clean […]
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There is a default setting on the printers that many times can be overridden. We have a Product Support line that would be happy to assist you should you run into an error, at 815.431.8100 extension 2226. Happy Printing!
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You may be surprised to learn that your toner cartridge is made of a complex system of components that work together to provide your print. To function properly, each component must be designed and manufactured using world-class engineering and precision quality standards. For the best possible prints, […]
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TN-350 1.) Turn the printer off. 2.) Hold the ‘go’ button while turning the printer on. All panel lights should be on. 3.) Release the ‘go’ button once all lights are off. 4.) Press the ‘go’ button 2 times. 5.) Pause. 6.) Press the ‘go’ button 5 […]
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Newer printer models that use the HP 950 & HP 951 cartridges: Ink and Toner Planet is currently looking into this issue, but please be advised that early reports are showing that non recognition is occurring with ALL aftermarket replacement chips and are specifically affecting the following […]
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Stop the Ink-Sanity: Exorbitant Cost of Printer Ink Inspires National Campaign Cartridge World Launches Crusade to Help Small Businesses Collectively Save $500 Million Some things defy all reason. Printer ink, costing as much as $60 per ounce, is among the top 10 most expensive liquids on earth. […]
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Get excited for the new Ink and Toner Planet Print Management Solution! We are launching a simple-to-use monitoring software called CW Print Manager for businesses. We will know when you are getting low and are in need of replacement cartridges so they can be delivered before you run out. It […]
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